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Covid-19 has made

Covid-19 has made it hard, if not impossible, to have your typical Date Night. But we don’t believe in having typical Date Nights, that’s why we introduced the concept of Date Night Re Do™ a few years ago where couples have the opportunity to connect and engage each other on a new level.


Now, we bring that same energy and opportunity to you at home with Date Night Re Do™ in a Box. We curated a special mix of love, fun, intimacy, connection, touch, energy and more in our Date Night Re Do™ in a Box. In addition, Dr. James, creator of Date Night Re Do™, provides each customer with a special message filled with tips and suggestions to have an amazing Date Night.

Date Night Re Do Box

SKU: 364115376135191
  • Contents of the box:

    • Curated Date Night Re Do™ experience in a Box
    • Multi-purpose Candle
    • Signature Date Night Re Do™ Activity cards to enhance your experience
    • Date Night Re Do™ Matches
    • Special access to a message from Dr. James with tips and suggestions for your Date Night Re Do™ Gift
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